micro projects
Projects I've worked on that are too small to deserve their own page.
A tool for editing the colour palette of the TIC-80 fantasy console without having to directly change the hex values.
A tool I made for my brother so he can preview what different blend modes will look like when making maps.
In 2021 Dodie released a video with a hangman puzzle in it. This is a script to attempt to solve the puzzle before all the letters were shown (we succeeded!)
A plugin for the esbuild Javascript bundler to allow it to load hjson files.
A site that lets you input text from braille and see what it says.
This is a utility for sorting lists by making lots of smaller, easier decisions. Pretty sure it could be a lot more efficient but not sure how to go about doing that.
There used to be a website called chrono.gg and they used to offer free games with a currency you could earn by visiting the store every day. This site counted down till the free games were rotated to new ones.
Originally made to facilitate getting logos for Cloverleaf, this turns pixel art into SVGs.
The start of an icon pack for Android that I never fully committed to finishing.
A theme for the “plank” dock elementary uses, to make it match with the dark system theme. I think this is no longer necessary but I don’t use elementary any more so who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
A randomiser for picking random characters when playing the game Paladins. I haven’t played the game in years sadly as they don’t want to support linux 😢
A game I made in an attempt to keep myself sane while in hospital. I had no internet so it was more of a challenge than I was used to but I eventually got some downloaded docs and made something vaguely entertaining at the end of it all.
Lots of emoji are made by combining invisible characters, I thought I’d make a site that makes playing around with that easier. Very much a prototype.